A week of Bible explorations, written by Allen Goddard
Discipleship involves every area of living. In postmodern Africa Christians need to follow Jesus Christ in the face of so many challenges: greed and materialism, economic inequality and poverty, nationalism and ethnic conflict, women and children abuse, state and corporate corruption, the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the race by the super-powers for Africa’s natural resources. The list is so long that environmental protection is sometimes forgotten. And yet the need for creation care is real. We have a growing awareness about destroyed habitats, polluted rivers, abused grasslands and wetlands, and careless mining activities that destroy ecologically sensitive places. But how do we respond in our discipleship? Does the Bible say anything to us about following Jesus, environmentally? In the following readings from Scripture we will discover that from beginning to end the Bible has a strong and clear message about creation and the centrality of creation care in the Christian life.
- Author: Allen Goddard
- Publisher: A Rocha South Africa
- Bible references: Genesis 2, Genesis 8, Psalm 104, Isaiah 35, Mark 4, John 1, Revelation 21
- Licensing: CC BY-SA 4.0
Featured image: Black rhino calf at Etosha, by Yathin S Krishnappa (CC-BY-SA-3.0)